31 Things I Don’t Hate about Fall

Even though I proclaim myself an autumn grinch, I am really an all-four-seasons kind of gal. While I do rue many harvest-time trappings, some things inadvertently swell my heart into an oversized gourd. So in the spirit of October, here are 31 things I don’t hate about fall:
- The way sunshine passes through the trees as they shake their leaves free
- The golden slant of light that dances along the walls of our home
- Not dissolving into a sweaty mess when I blow my hair dry
- Tea in the afternoon with my daughters on the porch
- Maple Leaf cookies from Aldi (with the above tea)
- Hoodies—to hide whatever ratty old clothes I’m wearing to pick up my kid from school
- Geese honking as they fly in V formations overhead
- “Do you remember? The 21st night of September”—never gets old!
- Sleeping with the windows open (however, my face hates it—my eyes are practically swollen shut right now from allergies)
- Relishing the last red garden tomatoes
- Da Bears
- Sneakers—no fretting over chipped toenail polish
- As the days get shorter, our kids don’t fight so much about going to bed at night, and I go to bed earlier, too!
- Soup and chili season—anything savory that requires a bowl and spoon!
- Fall foliage (duh)
- Crunching along on a crisp, sunny morning walk in the park
- Feathered friends and scurrying critters gathered around the birdfeeder fattening up for winter
- A reprieve from yardwork
- Fondue parties
- Visiting the quaint pumpkin patch in the country we go to with the girls
- Fall-scented candles
- Evening fires in our backyard chiminea
- The smell of woodsmoke
- Pants—no one can tell if I’ve shaved or not (wink)
- A bowl full of crimson apples
- Oktoberfests
- Watching favorite fall films like Dead Poets Society and You’ve Got Mail
- Reading a book with a knit blanket
- Mushrooms. Cream of mushroom soup, mushroom pizza, mushroom pasta, fried mushrooms. I am the Bubba Gump of mushrooms, but sadly, I am the only mushroom lover in this house, so I try to get them when we go to restaurants.
- Seeing spectacular sunrises and sunsets over ever-thinning treetops
- Embracing the reflective, slower pace of life indoors
What would be on your fall list?

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tlover tonet
Absolutely written content material, regards for information .